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Problems can happen at any time, day or night, so we've compiled some of the most common subjects and questions into step-by-step tutorials. Below are links to pages that deal with specific FAQ's that we recieve here at Tiger Mountain Technologies. Every topic includes step-by-step instructions on how to resolve most issues.

Basic Questions
01 What is webmail?
02 How do I login to my webmail?
03 How do I use the interface?
04 How do I read messages?
05 How do I compose a new message?
06 How do I save a copy of a sent message?
07 What are the advantages of using the webmail?
08 Can I still use my regular email program?
01- What is webmail?
Webmail is an open source program that was designed to allow users to send, receive, check, and organize their email in the most efficient way possible. Webmail is also designed to manage numerous email folders and files of varying sizes with a range of features to help users migrate smoothly from Microsoft's Outlook/Hotmail to the Webmail.
02- How do I login to my webmail?
You can login to your webmail account two different ways:
  1. You can use the login box on the TMT homepage it'll change depending upon the time of year but normally it looks like this:

  2. Or you can login via the mail login page that looks like this:

Both methods will log you into your webmail the same way, it's up to you how you want to. The TMT homepage has more graphics and links, where as the mail login page is very basic with just a login box.
  1. Go to either the TMT homepage or the mail login page
  2. Enter your username in the first space. For example if your username was "johndoe," then you would simply enter "johndoe" as your username. You don't need to put in "" after your username
  3. Enter your password in the second space
  4. Click "GO!" or press "ENTER"
  5. Once the page is loaded your webmail account will be displayed
03- How do I use the interface?
At first the interface may be confusing with little icons, links, and buttons everywhere. Below is an example of what the interface will look like:

The bar at the top of the screen shows you how many new messages you have/how many messages are in your Inbox. You can also use the drop down menu to instantly go to any of the folders in your account. Below is an example:

Below the New Message Bar is the Menu Bar where you can perform a variety of actions. Changing preferences, the address book, POP3 settings, and the Trash button. Have a look at the image below for an example:

Click this button to compose a new message.

Clicking this button will open up your folder management page. From there you can create, delete, and organize your folders.

This is the Address Book button where you can manage your list of email addresses.

Setup your filter preferences from this page.

Click here to change your POP 3 settings. The settings here should only be changed if you know exactly what to change.

Perform an advanced search through your folders.

Clicking this button will refresh the contents of the folder you're currently in.

Setup your Calendar to inform you of dates and more.

Change a wide range of settings by clicking this button. You can change the color of your webmail interface, the types of icons you want to see, and much more. However, most settings should only be changed if you know exactly what to change.

Click this button if you want to logout of your webmail account.

Next is the Sorting Bar, information about each message will be displayed in the corresponding section. For example the Sender column will display who sent each email. Have a look at the example below:

The envelope icon shows whether or not a message has been opened or read. If you click on the icon you can toggle the message from "read" to "unread" as you like. Next is the date showing when the messages were sent; newest are at the top. Sender is where you can see who sent a message to you. Subject is where you can read the subject line of an email message. Size lets you see how large an email is; attachments will increase the size of messages. Finally, the check box is a helpful tool for organizing your mail. For example you can check this box for all of the email you want to delete and then click on the trash icon to delete multiple messages at once.

The next part of the interface is the bar that you'll see at the bottom of your webmail account have a look at the example below:

The left side is a search feature where you can select how you want to search through your messages. You can search by From, To, Subject, Date, Attachment Filename, Header, Text Content, or All for whatever you type in the box box.

In the middle you can see how many pages of messages there are in your selected folder. The arrows on either side of the page number are clickable, allowing you to quickly flip through the pages.

On the right side you can select where you want checked messages to be moved or copied to. The default setting is the Trash folder, so be sure the proper folder is selected.
04- How do I read messages?
Below is an example of the info you'll see for every message:

To read a message simply click on the subject line of the message that you want to read.
05- How do I compose a new message?
There are a couple of ways you can compose a new message. The easiest way is to click on the button, which will open up the compose new message page. Another way you can start a new message is to click on the person's name you want to send a message to; this can be done from any folder.
06- How do I save a copy of a sent message?
Just above the area that you compose a new message there's a small check box labeled "Backup Sent Message" simply check that box.
07- What are the advantages of using the webmail?
There are several advantages to using the webmail. The biggest advantage to using the webmail is that you can access your email from anywhere in the world on any computer that has Internet access. Programs like Outlook Express are great, but if you can't use your account on someone else's computer without setting it up to check your mail.

The second greatest advantage of the webmail is that we can setup an Anti-Spam program for you, and by using the webmail you can put spam messages into a folder that teaches the program to become more effective every day. The program won't stop spam, but it will significantly reduce the amount of spam you receive. Another tip to reduce spam is to never open messages that you suspect of being spam -- instead just put them into the "Spam-Learn" folder or delete them.

Another advantage of webmail is that you can see all of your messages before you open them to read. This allows you to sort through, delete and move messages faster than ever! You can delete spam without ever opening it and choose which emails you want to read first. Webmail only shows you the most essential information of each message: Date, Sender, Subject, and Size. In a glance you can see which emails are urgent and which can be read later.

Outlook Express downloads every message you have before you can read them, which can slow your computer down to a crawl. Webmail only shows you a list of your messages, which is much faster. If you have new messages and any of them have photos or attachments it could take a very long time to download with Outlook Express -- especially if you have a dial-up connection.
08- Can I still use my regular email program?
Absolutely you can. Some customers use the webmail to preview their mail, sort messages, and such before using (for example) Outlook Express to read their new mail. That's just another example of the flexibility inherent to webmail.
Internet Is Our Business
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