Today's Date is: Thu, January 23, 2025 Current Temperature in Morton: 33.9° F   
Internet Is Our Business
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Relay For Life in East Lewis County
DSL is a simple overlay over your exisiting phone line for sending voice and data simultaneously.

What DSL does is let you talk on your phone while surfing the Internet at the same time. With a wireless router, you can connect to the Internet wirelessly from any room of your home.

That means you'll have a more enjoyable online experience with full use of your phone and faster connection.

Home & Business DSL 768k      768k down / 256k up

27x faster than dial-up

Unlimited downloads

Unlimited online time

Use your phone AND be online at the same time!

Virus & spam filtered email

Always connected

10 MB of web space

Save money by dropping your second line!

Fast Internet for the whole family
Annual Billing Plan
$39.95/month ($479.40/year)
FREE Activation!
4-port DSL Modem for a penny!
Automated Billing Plan
$44.95/month +
FREE Activation!
Monthly Billing Plan
$49.95/month +
FREE Activation!
Home & Business DSL 1.5MB      1.5MB down / 256k up

50x faster than dial-up

Unlimited downloads

Unlimited online time

Use your phone AND be online at the same time!

Virus & spam filtered email

Always connected

20 MB of web space

Save money by dropping your second line!

Faster so you can do more
Annual Billing Plan
$49.95/month ($599.40/year)
FREE Activation!
4-port DSL Modem for a penny!
Automated Billing Plan
$54.95/month +
FREE Activation!
Monthly Billing Plan
$59.95/month +
FREE Activation!
Home & Business DSL 1.5MB+      1.5MB down / 512k up

Ultra fast upload and download speeds

50x faster than dial-up

Unlimited downloads

Unlimited online time

Use your phone AND be online at the same time!

Perfect for online gaming

Faster filesharing

Virus & spam filtered email

Always connected

20 MB of web space

Save money by dropping your second line!

Game and fileshare even faster
Annual Billing Plan
$99.95/month ($1,199.40/year)
FREE Activation!
4-port DSL Modem for a penny!
Automated Billing Plan
$104.95/month +
FREE Activation!
Monthly Billing Plan
$109.95/month +
FREE Activation!
Below is a chart of information regarding the fees associated with our Home and/or Business DSL packages.
Services Activation TMT Monthly Fee Plan
4-Port DSL Modem Extras
Annual Plan
Home DSL

Annual service of $479.40 paid in advance
$95 value
on Annual plan
$85 value
Lowest Monthly Payment
Just a penny! Unlimited use
2 email
10MB web space
ACH Plan
Home DSL
$95 value
on ACH plan
FREE Installation
$85 value
Lower Monthly Payment
$10 less than CenturyTel
Unlimited use
2 email
10MB web space
Monthly Plan
Home DSL
$95 value
on Monthly plan
FREE Installation
$85 value
than dial-up
$10 less than CenturyTel
Unlimited use
2 email
10MB web space
Annual Plan
Home DSL

Annual service of $599.40 paid in advance
$95 value
on Annual plan
$85 value
Lowest Monthly Payment
Just a penny Unlimited use
2 email
20MB web space
ACH Plan
Home DSL
$95 value
on ACH plan
$85 value
Lower Monthly Payment
$10 less than CenturyTel
Unlimited use
2 email
20MB web space
Monthly Plan
Home DSL
$95 value
on Monthly plan
$85 value
than dial-up &
768k DSL
$10 less than CenturyTel
Unlimited use
2 email
20MB web space
Annual Plan
Home DSL

Annual service of $1,199.40 paid in advance
$95 value
on Annual plan
$85 value
Lowest Monthly Payment
Just a penny! Unlimited use
10 email
20MB web space
ACH Plan
Home DSL
$95 value
on ACH plan
$85 value
Lower Monthly Payment
$10 less than CenturyTel
Unlimited use
10 email
20MB web space
Monthly Plan
Home DSL
$95 value
on Monthly plan
$85 value
than dial-up &
768k DSL
$10 less than CenturyTel
Unlimited use
10 email
20MB web space
TMT's DSL service complies with existing phone company guidelines including the following:

TMT's DSL User Agreement
• An existing and active phone line is required for activation of DSL service. Telephone service is not provided by TMT nor included with our DSL service.
• With the purchase/activation of TMT's DSL service the customer agrees to keep TMT DSL for at least 1 year. Early termination of service will result in a penalty of $149.95 to be paid by the customer(cost of hardware and line activation).
• Should the customer request a change of DSL service speed (either upgrade or downgrade) the change is subject to a $35 charge.
• PC's should have a Pentium processor or better.
• Mac's should be an 8.5 system or better.
• 32MB RAM
• 25MB Hard drive space
• SVGA Display
• DSL modem (provided by TMT)
• Network Interface Card
• Existing and active phone line
• With regard to PAST DUE ACCOUNTS -- A reconnection of services charge of $15 in addition to payment of outstanding balance.
Internet Is Our Business
© 2007 Tiger Mountain Technologies, LLC      For help email us at