Today's Date is: Sat, July 27, 2024 Current Temperature in Morton: 50.2° F   
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Relay For Life in East Lewis County
Live Weather & Webcam of Downtown Morton, WA
12-16-2011 The weather station has been updraded to a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 and the webcam to an Axis 221 with infared night filter. Temperature stamp in webcam image is updated every 5 minutes.
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Client Showcase: DeGoede Bulb Farm
    DeGoede Bulb Farm

    Welcome to DeGoede Bulb Farm in Mossyrock, WA! This is the fourth generation of flower growers in our family. Stop by and see the large selection of fertilizers, planting containers, soils, fountains, benches, decorative item and indoor/outdoor plants. Our gift shop has arrangements of plants in attractive containers for every occasion along with an expert and friendly staff who really like to help you.

  • Visit DeGoede Bulb Farm Today!
Last Updated on Jul 27 2024, 3:57 am PDT
Station Summary Current Today's Highs Today's Lows

Outside Temp 50.2 56.7 12:00am 50.2 3:54am
Outside Humidity 15 67 12:00am 15 3:52am

Inside Temp 66.4 67.2 12:17am 65.5 2:01am
Inside Humidity 43 43 12:30am 34 1:54am

Heat Index 48.0 56 12:00am    
Wind Chill 50.0     50 3:44am
Dew Point 4.0 46 12:00am 4 4

Barometer 29.833 29.838 12:42am 29.831 12:03am
Bar Trend Steady        

Wind Speed 0.0        
Wind Direction North        

12 Hour Forecast  

Wind 2 Minute 10 Minute      

Average Wind Speed 0.0 0.0      
Wind Gust Speed   Calm      

Rain Rate Day Storm Month Year

Rain 0.0000/Hour 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.8700
Last Hour Rain 0.0000        

Internet Is Our Business