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Internet Is Our Business
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Relay For Life in East Lewis County

Problems can happen at any time, day or night, so we've compiled some of the most common subjects and questions into step-by-step tutorials. Below are links to pages that deal with specific FAQ's that we recieve here at Tiger Mountain Technologies. Every topic includes step-by-step instructions on how to resolve most issues.

Basic Questions
01 What is DSL?
02 What are the benefits of having DSL?
03 How easy it to to hook up DSL?
04 What if I have an existing paid balance with TMT?
05 Does DSL support multiple simultaneous users?
06 Is DSL available at my location?
07 What if I already have a DSL modem?
01- What is DSL?
DSL is an acronym for Digital Subscriber Line. DSL is a technology that delivers high-speed Internet access where available. A DSL modem and filter overlays on your phone line and splits your single frequency phone line into two frequencies: one for data and one for voice. DSL allows you to surf the Internet at high-speeds while talking on the phone -- AT THE SAME TIME.

TMT offers three speeds of DSL for our customers, and business customers pay the same low rate as residential customers.
02- What are the benefits of having DSL?
DSL has several benefits to all users of every DSL plan we offer. From simply faster surfing to web site maintenance, DSL is efficient and fun.

  • Surfing the Internet and talking on the phone at the same time. Just about everyone has missed a call while online, or been bumped off when their call waiting kicks in. DSL eliminates these annoyances once and for all.
  • Faster surfing. Download Windows Updates faster, get search results faster, browse massive sites like eBay and with ease, online banking is far more effecient, and enjoy streaming video/music.
  • Email is fun again. Send and recieve bigger attachments than ever in record time. You won't have to wait forever to download your email anymore.
  • Multiple users can be online at the same time. With a router multiple users can be connected to the same DSL line without any extra monthly fees.
  • Enjoy multimedia content.If you enjoy news casts, videos, download iTunes, file share, or share photos, then you'll love doing it on DSL!
  • Maintain your web site.Making changes to your site, blog, or web space is no longer a pain. DSL allows you to upload massive files faster than ever, which means your online life is synched with your everyday life.
03- How easy it to to hook up DSL?
DSL is pretty quick to have hooked up. It takes just about a week from the time you put in your order until the circuit is switched on. During this time we verify that DSL is on schedule for installation, we set up a time best for you to come out and install DSL at your site, and program the DSL modem.
04- What if I have an existing paid balance with TMT?
If you have an existing paid balance with us, we transfer that over to your new DSL service, so you're not stuck paying for service that you don't use. No worries.
05- Does DSL support multiple simultaneous users?
With a router, multiple machines can be connected to a single DSL line at NO additional monthly cost. This is great for families and businesses alike where several people all want to be online at once. Pay bills online while your kids play games, no more waiting to do what you want online.
06- Is DSL available at my location?
Maybe. DSL isn't available everywhere yet. To see if it's in your area then click here.
07- What if I already have a DSL modem?
If you already have a DSL modem it might be compatible with our DSL service. To find out if it's compatible, give us a call at 1-360-496-6161.
Internet Is Our Business
© 2007 Tiger Mountain Technologies, LLC      For help email us at